It's been a good year for Bulls and Dawgs headed to the bigs. Mike Jenkins came out as USF's first ever first round draft pick back in the NFL draft. Unfortunately, he went to the Cowboys, but we can't all be winners all the time. The other half of our cornerback tandem, Trae Williams, went to the Jags in the draft. Ben Moffitt and Amarri Jackson signed with the Texans and Bucs, respectively, as undrafted free agents. The Retrievers made a first round showing as well, with midfielder Terry Kimener going #8 overall in the MLL draft to the Chicago Machine.
But this season could impact a fellow USF alum in another way: Travis Henry, running back for the Denver Broncos, has been released. Waiting in the wings is Andre Hall, USF class of 2006. This could be his time to shine. Add to the Drew Westervelt and Brendan Mundorf playing lacrosse for the Outlaws, and Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium may just be the place to be!
An aside: OK, so I recognize that -3 people read this and even fewer read it for marching coverage. But somewhere, the heavens are asking, "Hey! 80 Minutes of Regulation is supposed to be sports AND marching! Where's the marching content?" Well obviously it's been a little bit since marching band season. But with DCI starting in less than three weeks and, of course football/marching season immediately following, expect that to ramp up quite a bit in the coming weeks.