Fall, Football and Fashion

This actually isn't entirely on-topic for this blog's usual material, but I hope you'll afford me that luxury.

It's a time of year for which most every football fan spends the better part of the year waiting. The summer sports doldrums (for those who don't follow baseball, and even some who do) are drawing to a close, football is nearly upon us, and with it, the tailgates, camaraderie, and marching bands it brings. At least here in NC, the hot days that gave way to still-hot nights have at least broken to the point that there's a legitimate chill in the air in the mornings.

And Sam Adams Oktoberfest is on the shelves.

Now I love fall and all of the things that come with it, including football, the weather, beer selections and all-pumpkin-everything. Still, even working in higher education where that which we call fall starts in August, I'm not sure I feel comfortable making such a bold declaration of fall's arrival midway through August.

Beer is undoubtedly part of the sports fan and particularly college football landscape. In certain areas of the country--I live in one of them--fashion is as well. The common social custom is that certain items--white shoes and seersucker, to name a few--designated for summer months are not to be worn past summer's unofficial end, Labor Day. I think such a line of demarcation makes sense on the other end as well.

Rest assured, you'll never catch me in seersucker drinking a Punkin Ale.
