High Notes, 2012 Week 10

Some things just bear repeating.

LSU and Alabama met for the third time in two years this past weekend, and once again, it was a band matchup with noting. Unlike last year, when LSU only brought a pep band to Tuscaloosa, this game featured two bands at full strength--oh yeah, and the football wasn't bad either.

There's something a little rebellious about being the road band. While the home band's director or drum major is typically on headset with the gameday management folks, adhering to instructions of when to play and when not to, the road band typically has--within common courtesy that they may or may not exercise--carte blanche to crank it up whenever. For that reason, plus the eventual victory, Alabama's Million Dollar Band once again gets the recognition.

I've mentioned before how the SEC West is the division most adept at putting together an All 80 performance--that is, excellence in both football and marching band. Five of the bands have Sudlers, and while Auburn and Arkansas have recently fallen off their football prowess, A&M is certainly stepping up, and Mississippi State is ranked as well. So as tired as you may get of SEC love from the football media, I'm here to tell you it's founded on the band side as well.
