Sunday Morning Drum Major

Yes, I'm thoroughly aware that it's Monday afternoon by the time this posts.

The Ohio State University Marching Band wanted to be sure they stayed on everyone's minds, so after moonwalking MJ last week, they doubled up on the viral presence with this week's Hollywood show. Check it out:

While they left the visiting Penn State Blue Band (seen in the beginning of the video exiting the field) alone, they had some jabs for archrival Michigan. You may recall that, much as in the field show, Michigan fired first, using Ohio State's Brutus Buckeye as the Bond-style villain in their From Ann Arbor With Love show earlier this season. TBDBITL fired back, gobbling a Wolverine up with a T-Rex and sinking their ship.

The show was something to behold, and I think their drill writer much have majored in animation for formations that continue to amaze me. I've also got a new metric for a band's entertainment value. A wise man (my high school band director, ironically enough a product of Michigan himself) operated from the philosophy that football is enjoyed by folks who are drinking beer and eating pretzels, and the field show should be planned accordingly. When video of this week's performance came to my attention, I watched it along with my 2 1/2 year old daughter. She was easily able to understand and articulate what was going on. "He stopped the building from falling." "It's a T-Rex!" If you're going for a concrete show, it needs to be executed to that level.

A good deal further south: Florida State welcomed back Bobby Bowden (and, only slightly less significantly, my friend and FSU alumnus James) and the Marching Chiefs showed him some dadgum love.
